i3mainz – Institute for Spatial Information and Surveying Technology
i3mainz is a research institute at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. In 1998, professors from the Department of Geoinformatics and Surveying, now Applied Computer Science and Geodesy, founded the institute, which now employs almost forty qualified and dedicated researchers.
25 years i3mainz
On February 6 2023, the i3mainz - Institute for Spatial Information and Measurement Technology turned 25 years old. A quarter century of research, development and transfer at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. We would be happy to take you on a little journey through time.
Current Projects All Projects
Making opening-resistant public administration data accessible for sustainability research - concepts and perspectives for action in the context of research data management (ÖFFNEDICH)
HERMES - Humanities Education in Research, Data, and Methods
Large Mainz Jupiter Column
SpaGAT - Spatiotemporal and Geodata-related Applications in Trust Models of Public Administration
MoDiTa - Modular digital camera tachymeter 3.0
MINOS - Real-time data service for emergency vehicles - forecast for delay-free crossing of trackside level crossings
AIMR, AI-based decision support in mixed reality environments
Codiro - Development of an automatic, project-independent production planning and robot control system
ORALHYPE 2.0 – Oral Health using Hyperspectral Imaging and Computer Vision
NFDI4Objects - Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History: Task Area 6 "Qualification, Integration and Harmonisation"
VCSA3D – Virtual Crime Scene Assessment and Analysis in Cyber Space
AI-DPA: Analysis and interpretation of unstructured data and processes in two- and three-dimensional application scenarios with machine learning.
KI-Lab – Trading off Non-Functional Properties of Machine learning
Cuneiform annotator and cuneiform character classification
Spatial intelligence for the integrated care of senior citizens in rural neighborhoods (RAFVINIERT)
Digital editing of the cuneiform texts from Haft Tappeh